较早公告: 在日新月异的工业自动化领域,每一个细微的精准控制都关乎着生产线的效率与产品的品质。KUBLER旋转编码器,作为这一领域的选择,以其优的定位精度和稳定性能,正逐步成为驱动工业自动化进程的新引擎。KUBLER旋转编码器,凭借其精密的机械设计与先进的电子技术,实现了对旋转角度或位置的精确测量与反馈。无论是高速运转的生产线,还是精密加工的设备,KUBLER编码器都能以毫厘不差的精度,确保每一个动作、每一次调节都能准确无误地执行。这种高度精确的定位能力,为工业自动化带来了灵活性和可靠性。在工业自动化系统中
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点击次数:961 更新时间:2018-05-10


Urecon Ltd. was founded in 1969 and is privay owned. The company holds a strong market position with a focus on high-quality pre-insulated piping systems for freeze protection, chilled water and district heating markets. 

In 2016, the company generated sales of about CAD 27 million (CHF 20 million) with a workforce of approximay 100 employees. Its two state-of-the-art production sites are located in the provinces of Quebec (Coteau-du-Lac) and Alberta (Calmar). Both parties agreed that GF will take the commercial and operational lead and will acquire the remaining shares of the company not before 24 months after the transaction has been closed. Closing of the deal is anticipated for the end of July 2017. 

Yves Serra, CEO GF, says: “We are pleased to welcome Urecon in the GF family. Both companies complement each other very well to serve the fast growing freeze protection and cooling business in the NAFTA region.” 

Urecon Ltd’s president Nicholas Nickoletopoulos states: “This transaction with Swiss-based Georg Fischer will derive positive synergies and will provide a stronger foundation to support accelerated growth within numerous markets and product segments”. 

GF Piping Systems is a leading supplier of piping systems made of plastics and metal. The division focuses on system solutions and high-quality components for the safe transport of water, gas and chemicals as well as on the corresponding services. Its product range includes fittings, valves, pipes, automation and jointing technologies and covers all water cycle applications. The division operates worldwide more than 30 production facilities, and supports its customers in over 100 countries through its own sales companies and representative offices.

上一篇:Endress + Hauser成功的一年 下一篇:Festo济南新生产中心1a期举行奠基仪式
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